Dr Alan Levy


920 Broadway 8th Floor
Suite 14
Between 20th and 21st Street on Broadway
New York City 10010

Phone: 212 633 - 2323
by appointment only

Fax: 212 620 - 5752
email: info@alanlevy.com

Dr. Alan Levy has been practicing Chiropractic Services for over 25 years in New York City. Dr. Alan Levy cares for people with musculo-skeletal, neurological and other related problems

Whether you have stiffness or pain in your back or have rotational problems in your shoulder area, Chiropractic care is a non-invasive practice where you may obtain relief in just one session.

Dr. Alan Levy utilizes Chiropractic adjustments, massage, trigger point therepy, therapeutic exercises, corrections to body posture, etc. when treating people.

Each person is treated as an individual in a holistic manner with an appropriate protocol for your whole body, mind and soul.

You may be surprised how effective Chiropractic care can be for headaches, jaw complaints, carpal tunnel, joint pains and some respiratory ailments.

If you are having trouble walking properly, bending, lifting Dr. Alan Levy can help.

It is not unusual for a person to feel pain or discomfort stemming from a spinal problem. For example if you are experiencing pain radiating from your low back to your foot this may very well be caused by sciatic nerve involvement which can be relieved by Chiropractic care.

Dr. Alan Levy will review your health history and current life patterns and he and you will work together to help bring you to wellnesss.

Dr. Alan Levy's current clients are sports enthusiasts, dancers, yoga practioners, office workers and people like you.

Dr. Alan Levy has an interesting background. He started out as an Aerospace Engineer. He ran a Yoga studio for many years while simultaneously developing his interest and practice in Chiropractic. Dr Alan Levy has conducted many workshops pertaining to the relationship between the practice of Yoga and Chiropractic.